Dog Runs &
Gate Enclosures

Capital Pen Panels
A Top Quality Enclosure designed by that provides the finest in material, security, strength and appearance.
Our Pen Panels are also ideal for children’s play pens, electrical transformer vaults, tool cribs, machinery, storage areas and numerous other uses where security is required.
We also carry a large variety of fence material.
Commercial Chain Link Fences
- Completely fabricated panels that can be installed during the summer or winter.
- Made to stand rigid and securely on top of the ground – no digging or concrete necessary.
- Easy to assemble or dismantle no problem to transport to your cottage etc.
- Features the SLINKY FENCE FASTENER, Top, Bottom, and Sides, Stretching mesh both ways.
- Features adjustable LOCK LINK Fittings.
- Guaranteed for longer life due to the use of electrolytic galvanized chain link.
- Noted for best gate performance as the gate is factory fitted tightly in a frame.
- Made from the finest materials and craftsmanship — a CANADIAN PRODUCT.
- Sold Coast to Coast

The Slinky
- A STRONGER DOG KENNEL — tested and proven, 11 gauge chain link fabric with the slinky TOP BOTTOM and SIDES is stronger than 9 guage chain link fabric that is tied top and bottom, and using rods, bands, bolts and nuts at sides.
- NO FITTINGS that can be twis’ed and removed by the powerful jaws of a pet that wants to go home.
- MORE VANDAL PROOF — no rods, bands, bolts of nuts that can be removed by vandals or children.
- A SAVING TO YOU — no parts to replace.
- A PROTECTION FOR YOUR DOG — the slinky eliminates the bolts and the space between the post and rod which can cause injury to your dog. LESS MECHANICAL in appearance.

The Patented Slinky Fence Fastener

Capital Spring Latch
Especially designed by CAPITAL FENCE & WIRE LTD. for dog run gates. Note the features:
- Easy to open by people, yet gives maximum security for animals.
- Spring latches have always been more positive than gravity operated latches. The Captial Spring Latch has two springs independently operating to assure double protection.
- Can be padlocked from either side of the gate.
- The Capital Spring Latch permits your gate to open bothe ways ( in or out ).

Gate Hinges – Left or right.
Unless specified we will ship what we have in stock. ( Left hand gates are hinged on the left when facing front of gate from outside of run).

The Slinky
- A STRONGER DOG KENNEL — tested and proven, 11 gauge chain link fabric with the slinky TOP BOTTOM and SIDES is stronger than 9 guage chain link fabric that is tied top and bottom, and using rods, bands, bolts and nuts at sides.
- NO FITTINGS that can be twis’ed and removed by the powerful jaws of a pet that wants to go home.
- MORE VANDAL PROOF — no rods, bands, bolts of nuts that can be removed by vandals or children.
- A SAVING TO YOU — no parts to replace.
- A PROTECTION FOR YOUR DOG — the slinky eliminates the bolts and the space between the post and rod which can cause injury to your dog. LESS MECHANICAL in appearance.

The Patented Slinky Fence Fastener

Capital Spring Latch
Especially designed by CAPITAL FENCE & WIRE LTD. for dog run gates. Note the features:
- Easy to open by people, yet gives maximum security for animals.
- Spring latches have always been more positive than gravity operated latches. The Captial Spring Latch has two springs independently operating to assure double protection.
- Can be padlocked from either side of the gate.
- The Capital Spring Latch permits your gate to open bothe ways ( in or out ).

Gate Hinges – Left or right.
Unless specified we will ship what we have in stock. ( Left hand gates are hinged on the left when facing front of gate from outside of run).
Commercial Chain Link Fences
Security Tops & Bottom
An additional panel can be used for preventing extremely active dogs from digging or jumping out, and also important to prevent other extremely active dogs from getting into to prevent other extremely active dogs from getting into the kennel. See Price List for panels. A Less expensive method is to use chain link fabric which can be fastened with tie wires to the top frame of the panels. This same method can be used at the bottom to prevent dogs from digging out. Price for chain link fabric and tie wires available on request.
Cut Out
The cut out for entry into the dog house may be placed anywhere in the panel, when ordering state location and size of opening in your rough sketch. Depending on the location and size of the cut out there may be a difference in measurements of approximately 1 to 2 inches to allow for cutting of chain link. Standard size opening is 12 inches by 24 inches high. The frame of the cut out is held together by a bolt and nutt at each corner. This method permits you to change bolts with screws ( not supplied ) to fasten the dog house if you so desire.
Cross Bar
Capital Pen Panels up to 14 feet in length are free standing. For pens over the 14 foot in length we recommended that you use a cross bar at the top to give the pen added support. Fittings are available for attaching cross bar from panel to panel, or from panel to building.
Chain Link Fabric
Chain link fabric is smooth electrilytic galvanized 9 gauge or 9 gauge viny1 coated ( green in colour ), 2 inch diamond shape mesh. Other materials and prices available on request Green viny1 coated fabric is listed as a standard colour. White and Black fabric is available at an additional cost.
If after receipt of your Capital pen panels you are not completely satisfied, you may return the mechandise to us within 30 days and we will refund your money. This applies only to standard panels and gates as listed in our price list.
Vertical Brace
All panels 10 feet wide and over include a vertical brace to provide added support. There are unusual situations where an additional brace will be required in order to attach a panel or gate unit.
Slope in Panel
Some floor kennels have a slope of approximately 1/4 inch to the foot to permit drainage of water when flushing. Panels can be ordered to slope with the floor.
Capital Pen Panels
Are available only from the manufacturer CAPITAL FENCE & WIRE LIMITED, Ottawa, ontario, canada. By thus eliminating a middleman, office, etc. We are able to quote you low, net, factory prices that mean real savings to you.

Install Capital Pen Panels
- Only tool required is a 1/2 inch wrench.
- Arrange your pen panels on the ground in the area desired.
- If leg clamps are being used they should be fitted to the panel first.
- Join Panels and gates with the flittings as illustrated below.
- If Panel is being attached to brick wall drill holes in mortar so as to not damage brick.
- DO NOT Tighten bolts and nuts on fittings untill the pen has been completely set up. This will permit adjustments if necessary.

Regular Clamp
For the joining of two panels or gate as indicated in illustrations 1 and 2 Consists of four pieces — two U shape clamps, one bolt and one nut.

Wall Clamp
For fastening panel wall. See llustration 4. Consists of three pieces — one wall clamp and two screws.

Install Capital Pen Panels
- Only tool required is a 1/2 inch wrench.
- Arrange your pen panels on the ground in the area desired.
- If leg clamps are being used they should be fitted to the panel first.
- Join Panels and gates with the flittings as illustrated below.
- If Panel is being attached to brick wall drill holes in mortar so as to not damage brick.
- DO NOT Tighten bolts and nuts on fittings untill the pen has been completely set up. This will permit adjustments if necessary.

Regular Clamp
For the joining of two panels or gate as indicated in illustrations 1 and 2 Consists of four pieces — two U shape clamps, one bolt and one nut.

Wall Clamp
For fastening panel wall. See llustration 4. Consists of three pieces — one wall clamp and two screws.
Helpful Hints For Customers
The Location of your Capital pen panel is most important to the health and comfort of your dog.
Do not expose your dog to the hot sun rays or prevailing winds.
Install your capital pen panel on fairly high ground so as to avoid water accumulating in the area of the pen.
Raise to dog house at least 6 inches off the ground. Free air circulation will help keep the bedding dry and harbor less insects.
The dog house should be outside the run. if inside, it only serves as a ” Stepping stone ” over the panel, and reduces the space inside the pen.
Animals are more content in small runs rather than having the run of a backyard as there is less to guard. A dog sometimes gets frustrated when it cannot be at all corners of the yard at once.
The first reaction is no purchase an overly large run. This is considered by the experts in the dog business as a waste of space and money. Ninety percent of the runs Purchased in canada from CFW do not exceed 4 or 6 foot wide * 12 foot long, and 75 inches high for the largest size dog.
Wire panels require less repair than wood, etc. improves ventilation, easier to erect, and leads to less nevous animal because they can see out. Wood absorbs dog urine, various diseases, and encourages chewing.
Long narrow runs are preferred so that the dog does not develop the habit of running aroung in circles in one direction thus causing improper development of the body.
The most popular height of a pen is 75 inches. This height is popular because it keeps dogs in AND out and has a greater sale potential if you decide to sell.
Some paints on the market can be injurious to your dog. If painting is necessary ensure that the proper paint is purchased.
All runs should slope away from the building. concrete or other hard surfaces should have a pitch of at least one quarter of an inch per foot.
Always consider the future when ordering your CAPITAL Pen Panels – you may want to expands. Where possible purchase standard size panels and gates.
Some of our customers say they prefer crushed stone or gravel base for their dog runs because a rough uneven footing tends to develop a strong foot. commercial runs use concrete or ashpalt because of the convenience of cleaning, which is more important to prevent disease in a kennel that houses many dogs. Asphalt is said to be hot and more absorbent.
Chewing of your pen can be prevented by applyking with a brush, a mixture of cayenne pepper and mustard. A mixture of soap and water will also help.
There are many variations to be considered in order to save money. Example, rather than using 4 foot panels for the ends of three 4 foot runs in a series, use one 12 foot panel with and extra brace and fittings This would result in a considerable saving.
What about a door for your dog house. Splash guards that you see on the rear of cars and trucks make an ideal door. The metal portion can be used for attaching to dog house or pen panel and then cut the rubber guard to the size of the opening. Dog can then go in or out and have the protection from rain, wind etc. During the nice weather the guard can easily be rolled and tied.
If you are making a wood dog house remember to place the opening at one end of the house rather than the center. This will permit the dog to enter the house then curl up to the right or left and have protection from the wind rain etc.